How to Create an Accurate Sales Forecast

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

An accurate sales forecast is essential for any business and Sales team. Predicting such figures however isn’t always a straightforward task, so we’ve pulled together three articles to help Sales leaders forecast with accuracy and measure team performance.


This first pick offers lots of useful tips and insights to help Sales Managers predict their sales pipeline using activity-based forecasting:

How to Predict Your Future with the Activity-Based Forecast

To a sales leader, hearing the simple word "forecast" can cause immediate panic, stress, and fear.


Our second pick shares a useful plan to help leaders think objectively and use sales stages to forecast more accurately:

Sales Strategy - The Importance of Objective Sales Stages - OpenView Labs

We've all been there. We look at a deal in the sales forecast with which we've been involved, see that the probability is set to a percentage that corresponds to one of the sales stages setup in our CRM system, and say to ourselves "WHAT?! I know that deal!


This third post offers some useful metrics to help leaders measure and evaluate team success:

Measure Sales Team Success With These Metrics

As a sales manager, what metrics do you look at when analyzing the performance of your team? Of course, many managers choose to look at total sales, but this metric does not tell the whole story. Here are metrics that every sales manager should look at to evaluate his team: Revenue per customer.


We hope you find these tips useful! If you’re looking for a new management role in Sales please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team of recruiters.